Baby Weaning – NHS Class Notes

Signs to look out for when ready to eat:

Feeding bm/fm after an hour

Sit up with support

Good head control

If push spoon away with tongue not ready

Baby Weaning – helps with jaw control chewing biting and speech development and head control

Getting Started
Start (under 6m) before 26 weeks no younger than 17w

Finely mash food if nearer to 6m, but can have lumps. If smaller 17w must be runny/ puréed like runny honey – use babies formula or breast milk to achieve the right consistency. 
Under 6m formula or breast milk is main source of food, so just 1spoon per meal is ok as you build up. Give little tastes. No set amount, don’t force feed or force to finish plate. Let it happen naturally. 

You can offer Rice, veg and fruit (non citrus) – blander foods firsts so your little one won’t refuse them later on.
Don’t offer – citrus fruit, wheat, nuts seeds, fish or eggs AND NO HONEY! This rule about honey is very important as honey can carry a bacteria that can cause brain damage if ingested by under 1s as their digestive and immune systems are not developed enough to handle this.
By 6m you should have also introduced free flow feeder cups. 

Water ok – you can use ice cubes- can use frozen Breast Milk (BM). 

Don’t have to give water for first few months, but can introduce from 4-5m. 

Under 6m? Then water must be cool boiled water. No bottled water.

You need to take multivitamin and you can introduce your little one into one too. 

You have to test foods with your mouth.

Freeze fruit n veg up to 6m in ice cubes in freezer bag, defrost 1-2 bits at a time

Mothercare has pouches for home made food as do other sources including Amazon!

Don’t add sugar or salt (toxic) can add salt at 8/9 m. BUT limit it to approx. 1g a day!

Try not use microwave due to hotspots. 

8+ months

Family foods and finger foods can now be introduced especially if you’re not doing BLW – Baby Led Weaning
Breast milk/formula milk is main milk drink until first bday. 

Can have small amount of cows milk in foods. 

Can keep on 1st stage baby milk don’t have to get extra formulas such as next stage. 

Cows milk from 1, can become the main milk source if you no longer wish to BF.

Brush those Teeth – 

Dentist advise at 1yr to stop using bottles to avoid rotten teeth. 

Brush teeth twice a day: Brush teeth last thing at night.

Babies need food by 6m for extra calories

Finger foods can include; banana, cheese toast, rice cakes etc let baby feed self

Extra Warning

Anything soft encase in skin, cut into smaller pieces so air can pass through

Petit felu yogurt – has 6 cubes of sugar. Not healthy give natural yogurt. Give non sugary food as snacks.